TypeScript and JavaScript shorthands to know

TypeScript and JavaScript shorthands to know

By Sameer
Published in UI & UX
July 15, 2022
6 min read

TypeScript and JavaScript have several useful shorthand alternatives for basic coding. Shorthand code can assist you in reducing lines of code and make code look pretty. In addition, shorthand code can also make your code more readable and easier to follow.

We’ll look at various TypeScript and JavaScript shorthands methods in this post. We’ll also look at examples of how to utilize these shorthands in practice.

TypeScript and JavaScript shorthands

When creating clean, scalable code, it is not always best to use shorthand code. Concise code may indeed be difficult to read and update. Your code must be understandable, meaningful, and contextual to other developers.

But also, there are some advantages to using shorthand code. In some cases, it can reduce the time you spend coding. In other cases, it can make your code more readable.

Some general benefits of using shorthand methods include:

  • Reduced amount of code
  • Improved readability
  • Less time spent coding
  • Easier to understand code

What is shorthand?

Shorthand is an abbreviation for longer pieces of code. Sometimes, it can replace multiple lines of code with a single line. In other cases, it can shorten the length of a line of code.

Shorthand can be used for various things, including:

  • Variable and function declarations
  • Assignment operators
  • Logical operations
  • Bitwise operations
  • Arithmetic operations

Finally, we must not use shorthands at the expense of other desirable code qualities. Keep in mind when using the following shorthands for expressions and operators in JavaScript and TypeScript.

All of JavaScript’s shorthands are available in the same syntax as TypeScript. The only difference is to specify the type in TypeScript. However, the TypeScript constructor shorthand is only available in TypeScript.

1. Converting a String into a Number

When your code receives data, that must be handled in numerical format, even though it comes in string form. It’s not a huge problem; we can perform a rapid conversion.

// Longhand
const num1 = parseInt('90')
const num2 = parseFloat('80.05')

// Shorthand
const num1 = +'90' // converts to int data type
const num2 = +'80.05' // converts to float data type

2. Ternary operator

The ternary operator is a popular shorthand in JavaScript and TypeScript. It replaces the standard if…else statement. Its syntax is as follows:

[condition] ? [true result] : [false result]

The following example shows how a typical if…else statement might be expressed using the ternary operator:

// Longhand
const a = 120
const b = 85

if (a > b) {
  return 'a is biggest'
} else {
  return 'b is biggest'

// Shorthand
const a = 120
const b = 85

return a > b ? 'a is biggest' : 'b is biggest'

3. Template literals

With JavaScript’s powerful ES6 features, We can utilize template literals in place of the + operator to concatenate many variables into a string. To use template literals, wrap your strings in (backtick) and variables in ${} within them.

Here’s an example of string interpolation using template literals:

const first = 'Beau'
const last = 'Jameson'

// Longhand
const welcomeMessage = first + ' ' + last + ', welcome to this world!' + '.'

const db = 'http://' + host + ':' + port + '/' + database

// Shorthand
const welcomeMessage = `${first} ${last}, welcome to this world!.`

const db = `http://${host}:${port}/${database}`

You can also construct multiline strings without using \n by using template literals. For example:

// Shorthand
const person = 'Jameson'
const requirement = 'to play Cricket!'
const fullString = `${person} wants ${requirement}.
He also wants to play Football!`

4. Optional chaining

We can get at the keys and values of an object using dot notation. We can go a step further with optional chaining when we’re unsure if particular keys or values exist or are set. The value of optional chaining is undefined when the key does not exist.

Take a look at the following example to see how optional chaining works:

const list = {
  obj: {
    P: 1,
    S: 2
  others: ['value', 'values', 'test']

// Longhand
if (list.hasProperty('others') && others.length >= 3) {
  console.log('others 2nd item is: ', list.others[1])

// Shorthand
console.log('others 3rd item is: ', list.others?.[2]) // 'test'
console.log('others 4th item is: ', list.others?.[3]) // undefined

5. Default Parameter Values

The if statement may be used to provide default values for function parameters. You can also define the default values inside the function declaration in ES6.

// Longhand
function value(a, b, c) {
  if (b === undefined) b = 5
  if (c === undefined) c = 2
  return a * b * c

// Shorthand
volume = (a, b = 5, c = 2) => a * b * c
volume(6) //output: 60

6. Exponent power shorthand

The Math.pow() method is another important mathematical function with a helpful shorthand. The ** shorthand is an alternative to using the basic Math object.

This exponent power shorthand is demonstrated in the example below:

// Longhand
const value = Math.pow(4, 4) // 256

// Shorthand
const value = 4 ** 4 // 256

7. Arrow/lambda function expression

In JavaScript, functions can be defined using Arrow function syntax instead of the conventional expression that explicitly uses the function keyword. Arrow functions are similar to lambda functions in other languages.

Take a look at this function written in shorthand, using an arrow function expression:

// Longhand
function fruits(str) {
  console.log('The fruits is', str)

// Shorthand
const fruits = str => {
  console.log('The fruits is', str)

// Shorthand TypeScript (specifying variable type)
const fruits = (str: string) => {
  console.log('The fruits is', str)

8. Object destructuring

Another approach to reading the values of an object is to destructure them into their variables, in addition to using the standard dot notation.

The following code sample illustrates the difference in readability between standard dot notation and object destructuring to access an object’s values.

const data = {
  list: {
    p: 1,
    s: 2
  other: 'demo'

// Longhand
console.log('Value of s in list: ', data.list.s)
console.log('Value of other: ', data.other)

// Shorthand
const { list, other } = data
const { s } = list

console.log('Value of s in list: ', s)
console.log('Value of other: ', other)

The object variables can also be renamed. Here’s a scenario:

const data = { u: 10, v: 27 }
const { u: list } = data

console.log('My renamed variable is: ', list) // My renamed variable: 10

9. Short-circuit evaluation

Short-circuit evaluation is another approach to replace an if…else statement. When the intended value of a variable is falsy, This shorthand utilizes the logical OR operator || to set the default value of a variable.

This example shows how to use short-circuit evaluation:

// Longhand
let string = ''
let updatedString

if (string !== null && string !== undefined && string != '') {
  updatedString = string
} else {
  updatedString = 'Default string'

// Shorthand
let string = ''
let updatedString = string || 'Default string' // Default string

10. Casting values to boolean with !!

When we use the !! [variable] shorthand in JavaScript, we can convert variables of any type to a boolean value.

An example of using the !! [variable] shorthand to convert values to boolean is as follows:

// Longhand
const int = 56
const intAsBool = Boolean(int)

// Shorthand
const int = 56
const intAsBool = !!int

11. Array.find Shorthand

A for loop is a function that iterates over or repeats a block of code. If you’ve ever had to write a find function in plain JavaScript, you’ve probably used this one. A new array function named find() was introduced in ES6.

Let’s look at an example of Array.find Shorthand:

// Longhand
const pets = [
  { type: 'Dog', name: 'Rio' },
  { type: 'Cat', name: 'Karl' },
  { type: 'Dog', name: 'Tommy' },
  { type: 'Cat', name: 'Max' }

function findDog(name) {
  for (let i = 0; i < pets.length; i++) {
    if (pets[i].type === 'Dog' && pets[i].name === name) {
      return pets[i]

// Shorthand
fingPet = pets.find(pet => pet.type === 'Dog' && pet.name === 'Tommy')
console.log(fingPet) // { type: 'Dog', name: 'Tommy' }

12. Spread operator

The spread operator is a method for accessing the content of arrays and objects. You can use the spread operator to replace array functions, such as concat, and object functions, like Object.assign.

Explore how the spread operator can be used to replace longhand array and object operations; consider the following examples:

// Longhand
const array = [7, 8, 9, 10]
const listOfArray = [3, 4, 5, 6].concat(array)

const smallArray = { x: 'Apple' }
const bigArray = Object.assign(smallArray, { y: 'Orange' })

// Shorthand
const array = [7, 8, 9, 10]
const listOfArray = [3, 4, 5, 6, ...array]

const smallArray = { x: 'Apple' }
const bigArray = { ...smallArray, y: 'Orange' }

13. TypeScript constructor shorthand

TypeScript has a shorthand for defining and assigning values to class properties in the constructor. When utilizing this approach, the class properties will be automatically created and set by TypeScript.

This shorthand is only available in TypeScript, not JavaScript class definitions.

Here’s an example of the TypeScript constructor shorthand works:

// Longhand
class Employee {
  private name: string
  public age: int
  protected address: string[]

  constructor(name: string, age: int, address: string[]) {
    this.name = name
    this.age = age
    this.address = address

// Shorthand
class Employee {
    private name: string,
    public age: int,
    protected address: string[]
  ) {}

14. Nullish coalescing operator

The nullish coalescing operator ??, similar to short-circuit evaluation, allows you to set a default value for a variable. However, the nullish coalescing operator only uses the default value if the intended value is also nullish. In other words, it will not use the default value if the intended value is falsy but not nullish.

The following are two examples of the nullish coalescing operator:

// Example 1
// Longhand
let string = ''
let updatedString

if (string !== null && string !== undefined) {
  updatedString = 'Default string'
} else {
  updatedString = string
// Shorthand
let string = ''
let updatedString = string ?? 'Default string' // ''

// Example 2
// Longhand
let number = null
let actualNumber

if (number !== null && number !== undefined) {
  actualNumber = number
} else {
  actualNumber = 0
// Shorthand
let number = null
let actualNumber = number ?? 0 // 0

15. Array.indexOf shorthand using the bitwise operator

Using the Array.indexOf method, we can determine whether an item exists in an array. If the item is present, this method returns its index position; otherwise, it returns -1.

In JavaScript, the value 0 is false, while numbers less than or greater than 0 are considered true. We usually need to use an if…else statement to check whether the item exists using the returned index in this case.

We can use the bitwise operator ~ to get a true value for anything greater than or equal to 0 rather than an if…else statement.

The Array.indexOf method can also be used with a bitwise operator in place of an if…else statement in the example below:

const list = [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21]

const requiredNumber = 9
const fakeNumber = 13

const requiredNumberIndex = list.indexOf(requiredNumber)
const fakeNumberIndex = list.indexOf(fakeNumber)

// Longhand
if (requiredNumberIndex > -1) {
  console.log(`Required number ${requiredNumber} is exists!`)
} else if (requiredNumberIndex === -1) {
  console.log(`Required number ${requiredNumber} is does not exist!`)

if (fakeNumberIndex > -1) {
  console.log(`Fake number ${fakeNumber} is exists!`)
} else if (fakeNumberIndex === -1) {
  console.log(`Fake number ${fakeNumber} is does not exist!`)

// Shorthand
  requiredNumber + (~requiredNumberIndex ? ' exists!' : ' does not exist!')
console.log(fakeNumber + (~fakeNumberIndex ? ' exists!' : ' does not exist!'))

16. Implicit return using arrow function expressions

The return keyword can be used in JavaScript to indicate that a function should produce a value and then terminate. We can also implicitly return a value by omitting braces {} when we define our function using arrow function syntax.

We can surround a return statement with parentheses () when we use multiline statements, such as expressions.

The following example shows the shorthand code for returning a value from a function using an arrow function expression:

// Longhand
function capitalize(xyz) {
  return xyz.toUpperCase()

function multiplication(numA, numB) {
  return numA * numB

// Shorthand
const capitalize = xyz => xyz.toUpperCase()

const multiplication = (numA, numB) => numA * numB

// Shorthand TypeScript (specifying variable type)
const capitalize = (xyz: string) => xyz.toUpperCase()

const multiplication = (numA: number, numB: number) => numA * numB

17. Object loop shorthand

The typical JavaScript for loop syntax is as follows:

for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { ... }

This loop syntax can be used to iterate through arrays by referring to the array length of the iterator.

There are three for loop shorthands that can be used to iterate over an array object in different ways:

  • for…in - when used on an object literal, let you access the indexes of an array and the keys
  • for…of - to access the array entries
  • Array.forEach - to iterate over the array elements and their indexes using a callback function

It’s important to remember that Array.forEach callbacks method has three possible arguments, which are called in this sequence:

  1. The element of the array for the next iteration
  2. The index of the element
  3. A complete copy of the array

Here are some examples of these object loop shorthands in action:

const list = ['Cricket', 'Football', 'Hockey', 'Tennis']

// Longhand
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
  console.log('List of match is: ', list[i])

// Shorthand
for (let eachMatch of list) {
  console.log('List of match is: ', eachMatch)

list.forEach(eachMatch => {
  console.log('List of match is: ', eachMatch)

for (let index in list) {
  console.log(`Match at index ${index} is ${list[index]}`)

// For object literals
const objList = { w: 0, x: 9, y: 27, z: 10 }

for (let key in objList) {
  console.log(`Value at key ${key} is ${objList[key]}`)

18. Double bitwise NOT operator

The Math object is used to call mathematical operators and constants in JavaScript. However, some functions have handy shorthands that allow us to utilize the process without referencing the Math object.

When applied twice ~~ to a value, the bitwise NOT operator returns the Math.floor() of that value.

As a Math.floor() shorthand, the double bitwise NOT operator is written as follows:

// Longhand
const A = 9.5
const floorNumber = Math.floor(A) // 9

// Shorthand
const A = 9.5
const floorNumber = ~~num // 9

19. Object property assignment shorthand

In JavaScript and TypeScript, You can set shorthand property to an object by including the variable in the object literal. To do so, the variable must be named with the intended key.

The following is an example of the object property assignment shorthand:

// Longhand
const array = {
  A: 7,
  B: 8,
  C: 9

// Shorthand
const A = 54
const B = 89
const array = { A, B }


Here are a handful of the most common JavaScript and TypeScript shorthands. Always keep in mind that shorthand code is not always the best solution; what matters most is writing clean and understandable code that other developers can read easily.



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