React Server Components

React Server Components

By Sameer
Published in ReactJS
September 04, 2023
2 min read

The ever-evolving world of React has brought forth another fascinating development: React Server Components. With performance and scalability at the heart of modern web apps, the React team introduces a feature that could redefine how we architect and deliver our applications. This blog post aims to dive into React Server Components, helping you grasp their essence and potential.

What are React Server Components?

React Server Components (RSC) are a new type of component introduced by the React team that render exclusively on the server. Unlike traditional React components that execute in the browser, RSC run on the server, sending the resultant HTML and minimal JavaScript to the client. This process reduces the client-side workload, potentially leading to faster load times and a more interactive experience.

Key Features of React Server Components

  1. Zero Client-Side JS: Since RSC are rendered on the server, there’s no JavaScript code related to them sent to the client. This can dramatically reduce the size of your bundles.
  2. Rich Interactivity: RSC can be seamlessly integrated with client-side components, allowing developers to strike a balance between server-rendered components and client-side interactivity.
  3. Instant Navigation: With server components, navigation between pages can become near-instantaneous due to reduced data fetching needs and minimal client-side rendering.
  4. Automatic Code Splitting: React Server Components enable fine-grained code splitting, meaning only the code for visible components is loaded, minimizing the initial load time.

How Do React Server Components Work?

The server renders the components and sends back a special format to the client. This format can be deeply nested, allowing for compositions of server and client components. When the data changes, only the affected server components re-render, and the minimal diffs are sent to the client to be applied.

Here’s a basic example to demonstrate React Server Components:

  1. Setup: Ensure you have set up a React project with the required experimental support for React Server Components.
  2. Server Component: Create a new file called ’UserProfile.server.js’. The ’.server.js’ extension indicates it’s a Server Component.
// UserProfile.server.js

import { db } from './database' // Some hypothetical database utility

function UserProfile({ userId }) {
  // Fetch user data directly from the database since we are on the server
  const user = db.getUserById(userId)

  return (

export default UserProfile
  • Client Component: Now, use the Server Component in a client component:
// App.js

import React from 'react'
import UserProfile from './UserProfile.server' // Importing the server component

function App() {
  return (
      <h1>Welcome to React Server Components</h1>
      <UserProfile userId={1} />

export default App
  • Server Rendering: The React team provides a Node.js server implementation to render these Server Components. You’d typically integrate this with your existing server logic.

Benefits of Using React Server Components

  1. Performance Gains: With less JavaScript sent to the client, pages can load and become interactive faster.
  2. Data Fetching Efficiency: Server components allow direct access to your backend infrastructure, which means no need for additional API calls or data-fetching logic on the client side.
  3. Reduced Complexity: Direct backend access also reduces the need for client-side data-fetching logic, leading to cleaner, more straightforward codebases.

Getting Started with React Server Components

While a detailed guide would be expansive, here’s a basic setup:

  1. Ensure your project is using a compatible version of React and ReactDOM.
  2. Set up a Node.js environment if you haven’t already.
  3. Use the React Server Component naming convention (*.server.js) for your server components.
  4. Start integrating server components into your app, ensuring you handle data dependencies appropriately.


React Server Components represent a transformative step in the evolution of React, offering a paradigm shift that emphasizes performance, efficiency, and cleaner code. By rendering components on the server and sending minimal HTML and JavaScript to the client, developers can achieve faster load times and improved user interactivity without compromising on the rich features and interactivity that React offers. With direct backend access, reduced client-side fetching logic, and inherent performance optimizations, RSC is poised to redefine web app architecture. As with any new technology, it’s crucial to familiarize oneself with its nuances and potential. React Server Components present an exciting opportunity for developers to create more efficient, scalable, and user-friendly applications, marking another milestone in the continuous journey of web development excellence.



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