By Sameer
Published in Python
September 04, 2023
2 min read

Python, with its vast library support and simplicity, has become a go-to language for web development. Django and Flask have long been popular choices among developers. However, a new contender has emerged, creating quite a buzz – FastAPI. Let’s dive into what makes FastAPI a remarkable choice for web developers.

What is FastAPI?

FastAPI is a modern, fast web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints. The key features are:

  • Fast: One of the fastest frameworks for building APIs with Python, only slower than NodeJS and Go.
  • Pythonic: FastAPI is designed to be intuitive and easy, giving that familiar Python feel.
  • Automatic Interactive API documentation: With FastAPI, you get an interactive API documentation (using Swagger UI and ReDoc) out of the box.

Why Choose FastAPI?

  1. Type Hints: Python type hints are a significant feature. They allow developers to define the type of variable. FastAPI uses these type hints to validate the data, serialize and parse the request and response content, and generate detailed documentation.
  2. Data Validation: Using Pydantic, FastAPI validates the data, ensuring that the data you receive is of the expected shape and type.
  3. Asynchronous Support: With built-in support for asynchronous request handlers, FastAPI can handle a large number of simultaneous connections, making it suitable for building high-performance applications.
  4. OAuth and JWT Integration: FastAPI has straightforward and comprehensive solutions for OAuth2 with Password (and hashing, including JWT tokens).
  5. Dependency Injection System: A robust system for dependencies, allowing for shared database sessions, authentication, authorization, and other recurrent tasks.

Getting Started with FastAPI

Setting up and getting a basic API running with FastAPI is incredibly simple.

# Install FastAPI and an ASGI server, e.g., uvicorn
pip install fastapi[all] uvicorn

# Create a new file main.py
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

def read_root():
    return {"Hello": "FastAPI"}

# Run the app with uvicorn
uvicorn main:app --reload

Navigate to, and you’ll see your API in action! Moreover, visiting will present you with an interactive documentation of your API.


FastAPI emerges as a powerful and modern web framework, offering a unique blend of speed, simplicity, and robust features for today’s web developers. Building upon the strengths of Python, it takes advantage of type hints for data validation, integrates seamlessly with tools like Pydantic, and offers out-of-the-box support for async operations and security integrations. Its automatic interactive documentation ensures that APIs are not only functional but also user-friendly. For developers looking for a fresh, efficient, and Pythonic approach to web development, FastAPI is undoubtedly worth a closer look. Whether you’re a seasoned developer familiar with Django and Flask or just starting out, FastAPI offers tools and functionalities that streamline the web development process and pave the way for building high-performance applications.



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