Demystifying MLOps

Demystifying MLOps

By Sameer
Published in DevOps
September 06, 2023
4 min read

Bridging The Gap Between Machine Learning Development And Operations

In recent years, Machine Learning (ML) has moved from research labs to production environments, with applications spanning various sectors, from healthcare to finance. However, the journey of taking an ML model from its development phase to a full-fledged production environment is laden with challenges. Enter MLOps, a set of practices that bridges the gap between ML system development and operations.

Understanding MLOps

MLOps, a compound of ”Machine Learning” and ”Operations” aims to automate the end-to-end ML lifecycle, making it similar in nature to DevOps. The goal is to shorten the ML model’s lifecycle while ensuring robustness and reproducibility.

Why is MLOps Important?

  1. Scalability: As companies incorporate more ML models into their systems, managing them manually becomes unwieldy. MLOps introduces automation, allowing for easy scaling.
  2. Reproducibility: ML projects often suffer from the “It works on my machine” syndrome. MLOps emphasizes version control and environment consistency to ensure reproducibility.
  3. Collaboration: MLOps fosters collaboration between data scientists, ML engineers, and operations, streamlining the development and deployment process.

Challenges Addressed by MLOps

  1. Model Decay: Models can degrade over time as data patterns change. MLOps provides tools for continuous monitoring and retraining to maintain model accuracy.
  2. Complex Deployment: Deploying ML models is often more complex than traditional software. MLOps offers standardized processes for deployment, reducing friction.
  3. Resource Management: ML models, especially deep learning ones, can be resource-intensive. MLOps practices can help optimize resource allocation.

Key Components of MLOps

  1. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) for ML: Just as in DevOps, CI/CD pipelines in MLOps ensure that models are automatically tested, validated, and deployed.
  2. Model Versioning: With tools like DVC, teams can version ML models, ensuring consistency and traceability.
  3. Monitoring and Logging: Continuously monitor models in production to detect drifts or anomalies. Logging helps in understanding model predictions and potential biases.
  4. Automated Testing: Before deploying models, run them through a series of tests to ensure they meet the required standards.
  5. Model Governance and Auditability: Maintain a trail of all actions related to the model, from development to deployment, ensuring compliance with regulations and internal standards.

Implement MLOps

MLOps can be implemented in three progressive stages, each bringing more automation and robustness to ML processes:

  1. MLOps level 0 (Manual process)
  2. MLOps level 1 (ML pipeline automation)
  3. MLOps level 2 (CI/CD pipeline automation)

1. MLOps Level 0: Manual Process

  • Characteristics:

    • Manual ML workflows with infrequent model changes.
    • Separation between ML creation and deployment.
    • No Continuous Integration (CI)/Continuous Deployment (CD) consideration.
    • Predictions aren’t actively monitored.
  • Challenges:

    • Models may not adapt to real-world changes and can crash in production.
    • Absence of CI/CD means no rapid testing, building, or deployment.

2. MLOps Level 1: ML Pipeline Automation

  • Characteristics:

    • Automated orchestration of ML experiments.
    • Models continuously trained in production.
    • Code modularization for pipeline construction.
    • Automation for deploying trained models.
  • Additional Components:

    • Data and model validation.
    • Feature store for standardized feature access.
    • Metadata management for pipeline tracking.
    • ML pipeline triggers based on data changes or performance metrics.
  • Challenges:

    • More suited for deploying new models with new data, not new ML innovations.

3. MLOps Level 2: CI/CD Pipeline Automation

  • Characteristics:

    • Iterative ML development and experimentation.
    • Continuous integration and delivery for pipelines.
    • Model continuous delivery and prediction service deployment.
    • Performance monitoring with proactive response triggers.
  • Components Include:

    • Source control, test/build/deployment services.
    • Model registry, feature store, and ML metadata store.
  • Note: Manual data and model analysis persist even at this advanced stage.

Use DVC in MLOps

DVC (Data Version Control) is a popular tool in the MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) ecosystem. It provides a system for versioning datasets, ML models, and pipeline stages, similar to how Git versions code. This enables reproducibility, collaboration, and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) for machine learning projects.

Here’s a guide on how to use DVC in MLOps:

1. Installation:

To install DVC, you can use ’pip‘:

pip install dvc

2. Initialize DVC in your project:

Navigate to your project directory and initialize DVC:

cd your_project_directory
dvc init

This command creates a ’.dvc’ directory similar to ’.git‘.

3. Track datasets and models:

To track a dataset or model, use the ’dvc add’ command:

dvc add data/dataset.csv

This will produce a ’dataset.csv.dvc’ file, which should be added to Git.

4. Push data to remote storage:

Configure a remote storage to backup your datasets and models. DVC supports various storage backends like AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage, and more.

For example, to configure an S3 bucket:

dvc remote add -d myremote s3://mybucket/path

Now, you can push your data:

dvc push

5. Create reproducible pipelines:

With DVC, you can define multi-stage pipelines using the ’dvc run’ command:

dvc run -n train -d src/train.py -d data/dataset.csv -o models/model.pkl \
  python src/train.py data/dataset.csv models/model.pkl

6. Versioning:

After making changes, you can commit your DVC files and code to Git:

git add dataset.csv.dvc .gitignore
git commit -m "Add initial dataset"

7. Collaboration:

Teammates can reproduce the exact same state of data and pipeline using:

git pull
dvc pull
dvc repro

8. CI/CD Integration:

For CI/CD, you can use DVC with popular CI/CD tools. Here’s an example workflow:

  1. Pull the latest code and DVC cache from Git and DVC remote.
  2. Reproduce the pipeline using ’dvc repro‘.
  3. Test the model.
  4. If tests pass, deploy the model to production.

9. Metrics and Experiments:

DVC allows you to track and compare metrics across experiments:

dvc metrics show
dvc metrics diff

DVC also has an ’exp’ (experiment) feature to manage and compare multiple experiments without polluting your Git history.

10. Updating Datasets:

To update a dataset, use the ’dvc add’ command again. Then commit the changes to Git and push the updated dataset to the DVC remote:

dvc add data/dataset_updated.csv
git add dataset_updated.csv.dvc
git commit -m "Update dataset"
dvc push

11. Pulling Updates:

To get the latest version of datasets/models after they’ve been updated:

git pull
dvc pull


As Machine Learning continues its rapid integration into various sectors and applications, the need for a streamlined approach to manage and deploy ML models becomes crucial. MLOps, borrowing principles from DevOps, emerges as the panacea for challenges faced in the ML lifecycle, from model decay to complex deployments. This practice promises scalability, reproducibility, and enhanced collaboration between key stakeholders.

One of the pivotal tools in the MLOps ecosystem is DVC, which offers a version control system tailored for ML projects. It provides the ability to track datasets, create reproducible pipelines, and integrate seamlessly with CI/CD workflows, enabling teams to manage ML projects with the same rigor as traditional software development.

In summary, the shift towards MLOps is not just a trend but a necessity, ensuring that machine learning models are developed, tested, and deployed with efficiency, consistency, and scalability. As more businesses adopt ML-driven solutions, embracing MLOps and tools like DVC will be vital in staying competitive and delivering reliable results.



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